© 2021 Shear Perfection Ranch and/or circleofdreamers.com

Tunis History

The Tunis Sheep is a distinctive American breed fashioned from, what most accounts describe as “fat- tailed,” and “Barbary,” sheep imported from North Africa and the Middle East in 1799. They are often linked to prominent American colonists including George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and Judge Richard Peters. Eventually, in reference to their geographic origin (Tunisia), these sheep became known as Tunis. Tunis Sheep quickly became favored for the flavor of their meat and their tolerance of heat and humidity. They were soon strongly entrenched in the mid-Atlantic region and the Southeast. Tunis Sheep were the primary breed of sheep in the Southern States until the Civil War wiped out substantial numbers. While still on the ALBC watch list, Tunis Sheep have been re-establish in all parts of the continental U.S. with breeders in 42 states. Strangely enough 3 of the states lacking breeders are Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama in the Southeast where Tunis were once king
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Rare Breed Conservation and New Breed Development
© 2021 Shear Perfection Ranch and/or circleofdreamers.com
Rare Breed Conservation and New Breed Development

Tunis History

The Tunis Sheep is a distinctive American breed fashioned from, what most accounts describe as “fat- tailed,” and “Barbary,” sheep imported from North Africa and the Middle East in 1799. They are often linked to prominent American colonists including George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and Judge Richard Peters. Eventually, in reference to their geographic origin (Tunisia), these sheep became known as Tunis. Tunis Sheep quickly became favored for the flavor of their meat and their tolerance of heat and humidity. They were soon strongly entrenched in the mid-Atlantic region and the Southeast. Tunis Sheep were the primary breed of sheep in the Southern States until the Civil War wiped out substantial numbers. While still on the ALBC watch list, Tunis Sheep have been re-establish in all parts of the continental U.S. with breeders in 42 states. Strangely enough 3 of the states lacking breeders are Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama in the Southeast where Tunis were once king
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